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Natural Ways to Remove Weeds on Your Property

natural ways to remove weeds on your property

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Published date:

February 28, 2023

Last updated date:

February 28, 2023

By Manny Manriquez

Weed control is a must for keeping your property looking its best. But if you’re worried about the impact of chemical-based weed control products on the environment and/or the people and animals who inhabit it, then you’re best off looking for natural weed control remedies that will help you take care of unwanted growth without the negative side effects. Here are six natural ways to keep weeds at bay, including those pesky perennials.

1. Lay Down Mulch

Weeds are plants like any other, and that means they require sunlight and oxygen to grow. By strategically mulching your property, you can block out the source of these key elements and keep weeds from growing in certain spots. Mulch can also help the seeds of weed plants from spreading and taking root in your land.

2. Get Down in the Dirt

Some weeds require hand-pulling for effective removal. And while it’s a lot of work, it’s also one of the only chemical-free ways to truly ensure that weed systems are taken out at their root. Use a weed puller to eliminate growth wherever you see it, taking extra care with perennial weeds like dandelions and ground ivy, since these firmly establish themselves underground year after year.

3. Spray Vinegar

Vinegar is a natural herbicide that can take a serious bite out of your weed problem. Skip the stuff in your pantry or cleaning cabinet and purchase horticultural vinegar, which has a higher acidity level that’s ideal for killing weeds. Because it can kill grass and other plant life too though, be sure to use a streamlined sprayer and only apply to weeds you’re looking to get rid of, avoiding grass and wanted plants.

4. Put Down Newspaper

Newspaper is an underrated tool for garden maintenance, working much like mulch does to stifle weeds while also boosting the nutrient levels of your soil and attracting beneficial bugs to the area. In weedy spots, wet the ground and then lay down a thick layer of newspaper (eight to ten pages per layer should do the job). Add an inch or two of mulch over the top, then sit back and let the set-up do the rest.

5. Use Salt

Mix up a 1:2 salt-to-water solution in a spray bottle and go to town on your weeds. Salt works internally to disrupt the delicate balance of water within a plant’s system, making it harder (if not impossible) for weeds to grow and thrive. As a good rule of thumb, thoroughly wet the surrounding soil first to protect it from getting harmed as well. And if a 1:2 solution doesn’t do the trick for getting rid of weeds, opt for a 1:3 solution instead.

6. Pour Boiling Water

Much like vinegar, boiling water is highly effective at attacking weeds right at the source. In fact, when applied to the crown of a weed, boiling water will make its way down and burn up not just the visible part of the plant but its root system as well. Also like vinegar though, you’ll need to apply carefully and strategically. As an added safety measure, wear gardening gloves and rain boots to protect against any unintended splashing. Weeds are no match for these natural remedies. Try them out and see what works to achieve a healthy, weed-free lawn without bringing toxic chemicals into the equation. Like this article? Please feel free to share or post a link to your site:

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