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LandHub and Aerial Solutions announce partnership.

landhub and aerial solutions announce partnership.

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Published date:

July 07, 2021

Last updated date:

July 07, 2021

By Manny Manriquez

Partnership brings easy access to drone-less digital imaging for rural real estate For immediate release (Tucson, Arizona) July 7, 2021: LandHub, an Arizona-based website exclusively specializing in the purchase and sale of land across the United States and select international locations, and Aerial Solutions, a company specializing in drone-less ultra-high resolution aerial imaging and videos, are pleased to announce that they are partnering to bring the best property marketing solutions to land owners across the United States. “We specialize in high-quality drone-less photos and videos,” explains Michael Feld, CEO of Aerial Solutions. “Most of our clients want to sell property which is difficult to capture images of using traditional techniques. If a property is close to an airport, FAA rules don’t allow drones in the area. If a property is quite large, a drone’s altitude restriction won’t allow for the full perspective of the land to be taken in one all-encompassing image. Often our clients simply don’t want to go through the hassle of scheduling a drone shoot of their property. Whatever the reason may be for not wanting to use drones, our service provides the best solutions. We can capture images without the use of drones and create fully customizable videos in a short amount of time. The images and video can then be added to the property listing very easily. Having those images and videos makes a world of difference when it comes to attracting buyers.” The partnership between the two companies will form a one-stop-shop for landowners who are looking to buy and sell property and order high quality videos for their listings. LandHub is one of the most popular rural real estate websites and one of the few sites that specializes exclusively in land sales. The use of high-quality aerial images to market real estate will attract even more buyers to the site. The images will also be used to attract buyers on social media thanks to LandHub’s unique marketing service. “Making property stand out is difficult when you can’t rely on beautiful videos,” explains Kevin May, President of LandHub. “To make listings stand out, a seller needs beautiful videos and photos that communicate the scale of the land, the property boundaries, surrounding land, lakes or rivers and how beautiful the topography is. Having these incredibly detailed videos that Aerial Solutions creates allows the listing to come to life. The videos communicate the potential that the land has far more than any written description. We can say that there’s a stream nearby or that the land is at the foot of a mountain, but to see those things in full color detailed video, along with our system of using social media and our powerful website, is what sells the land.” For more information about LandHub, please visit www.landhub.com. For additional information about Aerial Solutions please visit www.aerialsolutions.io. For the latest property listings and real estate news, please follow @landhub on Instagram. -30- For more information, or to arrange an interview, please contact: Kevin May, President - LandHub.com 844-452-6348 [email protected] www.LandHub.com Michael Feld, CEO - Aerial Solutions (443) 440-6130 ext. 613. [email protected] aerialsolutions.io

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