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Setting Up a Successful Work from Home Environment

setting up a successful work from home environment

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Published date:

September 16, 2020

Last updated date:

September 16, 2020

By Manny Manriquez

by Caroline Kirby Although some cities and states across the U.S. are resuming some semblance of normalcy, there's one adaptation that is likely to stay long after Covid-19 runs its course: working from home. While working from home isn't possible for every job, many employers recognize the value of adopting this method for the long-term after many months of employees making it work amidst the pandemic. Many companies have already made significant financial investments into technological advancements and digital tools that enhance employees' ability to work from home. Why would they undo all of that to get people back in an office? Most probably won't. You've likely read about how to maximize efficiency and set up your workspace when working from home, but have you heard of accessory dwelling units (ADU)? Whatever your company may decide to do, if you're sharing a living space with others (especially others who are working from home), then an ADU could be a realistic solution. What are accessory dwelling units? These are small units located on a property that has a separate main, single-family home or another residential unit. They're often called secondary suites, in-law apartments, or cottages. Sound familiar? You're probably starting to get an idea of why these units are starting to become a popular idea in the age of Covid-19. Working from home can already be tough, but if you have to now split space with a partner or roommate who also works from home plus children who aren't returning to school, some extra space is welcome. You likely see the value of adding an ADU to your property, but there are some important items to keep in mind. • Check in to your city's permitting requirements. Often times if the space is under 200 square feet, you may not even need a permit. • They can generally be constructed quickly. Depending on what you're looking for, these freestanding home offices can be built in just a few weeks. • The space could be used for children's schooling and tutoring. It may be easier to keep them focused on their schoolwork if they're not in their home with the normal distractions. • Many municipalities have accelerated their permitting processes and modified existing regulations so that residents are able to get these projects off the ground. • This space can also be used for quarantining should anyone in your household exhibit symptoms of the coronavirus. • You should also look into any restrictions or requirements from your HOA, as well as if you qualify for financing for the construction. While the requirements and regulations around accessory dwelling units will vary across cities, the value remains the same. As we all continue to navigate the pandemic and switch up our routines and lifestyles to accommodate more time at home, this could be the perfect addition. If you're interested in purchasing land that allows for the addition of an accessory dwelling unit, take a look through's current listings. Hopefully this information can help you and your loved ones make life a little bit easier! Like this article? Please feel free to share or post a link on your site:

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