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Should You be Advertising Your Real Estate on TikTok?

should you be advertising your real estate on tiktok?

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Published date:

June 23, 2021

Last updated date:

November 03, 2023

By Caroline Kirby

If you’ve paid attention to the news at all, then chances are you’ve heard of TikTok, the new app that has blown up amongst Gen Zers, and after time in quarantine, you’ve likely dabbled in the app yourself. While it may seem to just be for popular dance trends and sharing recipes if you look beyond the surface, TikTok has a lot of potential for industries across the board. The latest area to tap into the power of TikTok? You guessed it -- real estate.

What You Should Know About TikTok

Numbers never lie and what the numbers are showing is that the hype around TikTok is real. • TikTok is the 6th largest app with 800 million monthly active users. • 30 million monthly active users in the U.S. • Over 35% of users have participated in a hashtag challenge • TikTok guarantees five million daily impressions for brand ads These TikTok statistics are certainly impressive, but if you don’t know your way around the app, then they’re pretty worthless. Being active in the social media landscape is essential to land marketing efforts nowadays. As you’re already aware, selling land and real estate is highly visual. TikTok is the perfect platform to quickly highlight special features of the land you’re trying to sell.

How to Use TikTok to Sell Your Land

No matter what type of land or location you’re working with, TikTok offers you an immersive, full-screen, and short-form way to share entertaining and attention-grabbing content highlighting your property. If you want to implement TikTok into your land-selling strategy, here are a few tips to keep in mind: • Take Followers on a Tour: Use your TikTok to take followers on a virtual tour of the property. Add some popular music, utilize relevant hashtags, and ask viewers to share the video with their networks, and voilà! • Educate your Followers: Take advantage of the platform’s easy video creation tools to establish authority. Depending on your niche, you can create videos around helpful tips for first-time buyers, ways to use recreational land, how to buy land, etc., that can be extremely valuable to followers. Providing engaging content like this makes it more likely that your content will be shared far and wide, eventually giving you more valuable followers who are likely to take action. • Offer Teasers: If you don’t quite have time to dedicate to video creation, you can post teasers of walk-throughs or attractive property images, promising you’ll be highlighting the property later in the week. This can help build interest and keep your audience around. • Use Trending Sounds and Hashtags: Utilize (relevant) trending sounds and hashtags on your videos to make sure your content is seen by more people. However, be sure that it ties in somehow to the topic of your content; otherwise, you’re prone to lose or annoy viewers. • Scroll through the “for you page”: Stay up to date on the latest TikTok trends for inspiration in your own content as well as to see what is resonating with users. Do this by scrolling through the for you page (TikTok’s version of the newsfeed). TikTok is an excellent and fun way to get your brand and land noticed by potential buyers. If you’re looking for a relevant and creative way to highlight your property, then TikTok could be the perfect fit. Check out more land seller resources here and see what current land is available on LandHub.com. Like this article? Please feel free to share or post a link on your site: https://www.landhub.com/land-news/should-you-be-advertising-your-real-estate-on-tik-tok/


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