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What to Know Before Moving to Virginia

what to know before moving to virginia

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Published date:

March 03, 2022

Last updated date:

November 15, 2023

By Landhub

What to Know Before Moving to Virginia

Looking to relocate to Virginia? You’ll want to do your research first on what to expect, especially if you plan on investing in land real estate. Virginia is the twelfth most populous state in the country, with a storied history that goes all the way back to the nation’s founding years. It’s also a stunning and centrally-located East Coast state with plenty of land diversity and a lot of opportunity for smart investors. As with any relocation however, it’s important to know exactly what to expect before you go, as well as what you need to know so that you can choose your ideal location within the state. Fortunately, we’ve done your homework for you. Here are four things to know before moving to Virginia so that you can settle in with ease.

1. Population is up—and so are prices

Virginia ranks fifteenth in terms of state population growth, with a current growth rate of just over 15.5%. Compare that to nearby East Coast states like Maryland (11.16% growth), Pennsylvania (3.89% growth), and West Virginia (2.52% growth) and it becomes clear that there are a lot of movers choosing Virginia for relocation. What does this mean for real estate investors? Prices and competition are on the rise, and you’ll need to have a realistic budget in place relative to what you’re looking for.

2. There’s a ton of land diversity

Are you interested in moving to a city or to the suburbs? The coast or inland? Soybean country or wine country? There’s something for everyone in Old Dominion, and you’ll find vastly different real estate options depending on where in the state you’re looking. Connect with a local real estate agent if you’re unfamiliar with all of what’s available so that you can get a full idea of where you should set your sights depending on your interests and investment goals.

3. You get all four seasons

When it comes to weather, Virginia has it all. This includes hot and humid summers as well as cold winters with a good amount of snowfall. Lots of people love the four-season climate, but it’s still worth keeping in mind if you have preferences on way or the other—or if you’re interested in Virginia land for farming or recreation.

4. It’s a great place to retire

The saying may go that Virginia is for lovers, but more and more it’s also for retirees. Senior citizens in the state don’t have to pay tax on their Social Security benefits, and they can deduct as much as $12,000 from their pension and retirement income state taxes. Other perks include free classes for retirees at some of Virginia’s renowned colleges and universities, plus a wide range of retirement-friendly activities like golf and nature walks. Couple all that with low crime rates and it’s clear that Virginia is a pretty nice place to settle in your later years. Want to see what’s available? Browse our Virginia land listings and take a look at current opportunities within the state, including land for sale in all types of Virginia terrains and environments.

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