
Ty Irby, ALC, GRI


Crye-Leike Real Estate Services


Seller Location

Shelbyville, Tennessee, Bedford County


Accredited Land Consultant for 28 years & 37 years of REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE! The son of a veterinarian, Ty specializes in EQUINE PROPERTIES & FARMS & HOMES, working in approximately 10 counties in Southern MIDDLE TENNESSEE! In 2023, Ty was Crye-Leike's #1 AGENT for the MIDDLE TN/GREATER NASHVILLE area! A lifelong horse enthusiast, Ty is an accomplished World Champion & International Champion equestrian, as well as breeder of numerous World, International, & World Grand Champions, including one European Champion! Ty has retired from judging, however, was well known for judging the TWH World Championships 8X, the International Championships, as well as both the German & European Championships!

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