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Purchasing Hunting Land During the Pandemic

purchasing hunting land during the pandemic

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Published date:

October 14, 2020

Last updated date:

January 23, 2024

By Caroline Kirby

Over the last few months, states all across the country have reported a huge uptick in the sale of hunting and fishing licenses as many people are looking for ways to stay entertained while social distancing it's no surprise that outdoor recreation is seeing a spike. While we've seen a few different trends come out of the COVID-19 pandemic, it's not too hard to believe that this one is more likely to stay. As we all begin to structure our "new normal," most people are probably looking for safe activities that will still allow them to be active and out of the house.

Whether you're looking to purchase or sell land for hunting, here are a few things to keep in mind. Real estate is continuously seen as a more resilient and reliable investment versus other assets. If you're in a stable financial position and have reserve funds, looking at purchasing land may not be a bad idea. Whether you're an experienced hunter or fisher or you're looking for a new hobby, there are a few reasons why this is a great time to start.

• It's a great way to remain active and be outdoors in nature.

• Easy to social distance from other hunters, but still gives you a chance to do something with your family.

• Learn something new and see new places.

Convinced that this is the right choice for you and your family? Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind if you're a first-time buyer:

1.Understand the layout of the land. This is important for a few reasons. Knowing the traffic pattern of the game you're hunting will help determine where you build any structures (such as a cabin) and ensure it won't affect your hunting. Plus, if you need to put a food plot on the land, you should be certain that appropriate machinery can access those areas.

2. Look at the surrounding area. Do you have neighbors? What are their hunting habits? Is there public property nearby? You'll want to ask these questions so that you can have a clear idea of the impact it may have on your hunting.

3. Taxes and Easements. Speak with the local county tax collector and ask so that you have a clear cut idea of what you will be spending. Land easements are another characteristic that many first-time buyers don't know about; this will affect how you're able to access your property.

4. Look for Signs of Game. Probably one of the best things to start with is to confirm that the land you're interested in actually has game to hunt. Some listings may have trail cameras, but if not, inquire about posting a few so that you can get a better idea of what's out there.

5. Is There a Water Source? Depending on the game you hunt, this could be a deal-breaker. For example, if you're buying land to hunt deer, then you will need a source of water. It's possible to have wells or ponds installed, but that's an extra cost to consider.

If you're looking to buy hunting land in the coming months, keep the information above handy. You can start browsing available properties by searching through LandHub's current listings. Do you own property that you're looking to sell? You can easily advertise your land on LandHub.com with a simple month to month plan. Check out the options here!

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