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L40030-1 Rare Opportunity To Own A Piece Of Historic Gold Rush Town, Johannesburg, Kern County, Ca $18,999

United States /California, Address not available!, ,Owner Financing,For Sale,236616, 93528, 0.19

Listing ID :


Acres :

0.19 Acres

View Agent's Properties and Profile:

Dollar Land Store

Contact Seller

Property Description

This .19 Acre (+/- 8,276 sq.ft.) Parcel is located in the heart of the historic town of Johannesburg, CA and is accessible via Panamint Ave.  Johannesburg was founded to support mining operations at the nearby town of Randsburg. In addition to providing rail access, the region\'s first wells were operated by companies located in Johannesburg. During the first half of the 20th Century, the was the principal gold producing region of California. Activity centered on the , discovered in 1894. In 1919, the Rand Silver Mine was discovered east of town on Red Mountain. The Rand Mine produced more silver than any mine in California.

This Unique Parcel is perfect for those looking to own a piece of California Mining history.  It is located just 700 ft from US-395  just over a mile from the historic town of Randsburg. It is also close to civilization as it roughly 20 miles south of the City of Ridgecrest. Nearby is the Hyundai/Kia and Honda testing facility as well as the Boron borax mine (California’s largest open-pit and the world’s largest borax mine).

Given its blue skies and moderate climate, Kern County hosts an abundance of outdoor activities including camping, rafting, kayaking, fishing, mountain biking, golfing, rock climbing, skydiving, glider flights, water sports, dirt biking and off-roading.

Some of the most visited destinations in Kern County include Lake Isabella, Sequoia National Monument, Red Rock Canyon State Park and the wild and scenic Kern River. 

Buyer is responsible to conduct due diligence in determining whether their intended use of property is allowed in the applicable county.

KCBC (17.44.060 ) In Kern County, it is unlawful for any person to place or allow to be placed, or use, occupy or knowingly permit Dependent Mobile Homes to be used for occupancy. 

*Photos are of actual parcel and surrounding area

  • APN: 155-265-05-00-5
  • GPS Marker: 35.3721, -117.63808
  • Legal Description: Lots 3 and 4 in BLK 56 of Map of Johannesburg
  • Current Zoning:  ()
  • Use Code: 0010 - R-1 Zone One Acre or Less
  • Tax District: 011-004
  • Size: +/- .19 Acres / 8,776 sq. ft.
  • Terrain: Flat
  • Power/Water: Contact County
  • Property Taxes: $41.58/ YR
  • HOA Fees: N/A


Purchase Price: $18,999.00
Interest Rate: (11.5%)
Loan Term: 15 Years
Monthly Payment: $221.93

Down Payment: $1.00
Document Fee: $199.00
DUE TODAY: $200.00

Land Payment: $221.93
Property Tax: $3.47
HOA/ Assoc. Fees: N/A
Monthly Servicing Fee: $15.00


Be sure to reference #L40030-1 in any correspondence.

$1 down payment and $199 document fee for lot #L40030-1 in California. Your welcome packet, contract, and digital payment coupon book for your monthly payments will be sent to the shipping address you provide. (Please note that we do charge a shipping fee.)

*This information contained in this listing is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. Amato-Y, LLC (DBA is not responsible for the accuracy of this information. The buyer is responsible for verifying all information with the county. The land is being sold \"as-is\" with no warranties either expressed or implied as to the location, condition, accessibility, terrain, build-ability, or information contained in this listing. Sizes advertised are approximate. Buyers are required to perform all due diligence prior to making a down payment. By buying you are acknowledging that you have completed all due diligence and that you understand legal commitment to purchase.  Dollar Land Store does not issue refunds, Once you have completed your due diligence and are prepared to purchase a property you may make the down payment on the property; however, if you decided not to keep the property or terminate the \"standard agreement of sale,\" the deposit, document fees, and any payments are non-refundable.  Please review the  PRIOR to purchase.

Basic Details

Property Types:

Owner Financing

Listing Type:

For Sale

Listing ID:





0.19 Acres

Address Map


United States




Kern County





