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United States /Florida, 9500 Babcock Street, Palm Bay, Florida 32909, ,Farm - Hobby,For Sale,9500 Babcock Street,6748747, 32909, 2123
For Sale
Listing ID :
6775046Acres :
2123 AcresView Agent's Properties and Profile:
Dreyer & Associates
Contact Seller
Income-Producing Land Opportunity! A current geological study shows approximately $180,000,000+/-
Potentially extractible coquina rock (if the whole eastern portion, which consists of approximately 376+/-
acres were to be excavated). This would consist of approximately $26,878,110.00+/- of overburden or
general construction fill and $156,331,900.00+/- of actual mineable coquina. This will all be able to be
verified during due diligence. Note: Of the 376+- acres, 50 acres are currently being mined on the
Southern portion of the property and another 65+- acres on the Northern portion of the property will be
permitted for mining on November 1st 2022.
Property is 2,123 ± acres with over a mile of frontage on Babcock Street (5,800 ± feet) / RE Tax: $4,170
The Western side of the parcel consists of approximately 900 acres, which has $22,500,000.00+/- in
mitigation credits, which have been applied for.
Overall Concept Plan:
Residential Concept Plan:
Master Planned for mixed-use - 30% open space - 19+/- acres
civic/public space/wildlife corridors, large storm-water
retention/detention areas in a park-like setting
Land Use is \'CALUMET FARMS\', a designated land in the City
of Palm Bay (Comprehensive Plan via Ord. No. 2010-68)
Mixed Use Development.
Project density: at a minimum of 1.5 units per acre/cap of
3,184 living units / Commercial and office use limited to
180,000 sf.
The property is included in the urban service boundary of Palm Bay
for future utilities. No active water or sewer at this time.
With the newly opened St Johns Heritage Parkway and the
new I95 SJHP Interchange recently completed, this area is
slated for high growth in the immediate future. This
development will provide a neighborhood and community
commercial uses nearer the population centers of the City
that are moving toward the newly completed interchange.
Sustainable development patterns, the creation of village-like
projects, clustered developments, and extensive open space
characterize the form of the development proposed.
The eastern section of the parcel, consisting of 376+/-
acres, the property is currently under construction as a
coquina mine, to be reclaimed for development upon
completion. The mining will be executed in three phases.
Phase I and II will begin with the 80+/- acres on the east
corners of the parcel. Of this, approximately 20+/- acres are
currently being excavated for a manmade lake.
Phase III consists of the center section on the east side of the
property. While no approvals have been granted, it is
anticipated that Phase III will include a 50+/- acre.
This construction project will leave 226+/- acres of uplands
on the eastern portion.
Property Types:
Farm - HobbyListing Type:
For SaleListing ID:
2123 AcresCountry:
United StatesState:
Brevard CountyCity:
Palm BayLatitude:
-80.6228265Street Address:
9500 Babcock Street, Palm Bay, Florida 32909, ,Farm - Hobby,For Sale,9500 Babcock Street,6748747